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Clean Kiss Lifestyle

In Love With Pumpkin - Clean Kiss

In Love With Pumpkin: Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Lovers

As we get ready for our Canadian Thanksgiving this upcoming weekend, I wanted to share a couple of my healthy & easy, favourite pumpkin recipes to get you in the mood! The health benefits of pumpkin are incredible for your body because it is full of vitamins and minerals and we know that eating healthy and clean directly reflects on our skin health.  My Weekday Morning Simple Coffee  Brew your regular coffee and add coconut or almond milk (I like mine steamed "misto") Top with cinnamon, nutmeg and pumpkin spice  My Weekend Healthy Treat Pumpkin Spice Latte Heat 1 cup coconut milk, 2 tbsp pumpkin puree, 1 tbsp maple syrup, 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice on stove in small pan, until the milk mixture is hot. Whisk vigorously to get it frothy and foamy for about 30 seconds. Pour into a cup of fresh brewed coffee and sprinkle the top with more pumpkin spice.  Pumpkin Granola Yogurt Parfait Start with 1/3 cup of dairy free yogurt (coconut or cashew/almond are my fave!) Add 1/3 cup of pumpkin granola (either homemade or I love Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Granola)  Top with berries, more pumpkin seeds and a sprinkle of cinnamon to get the added health benefits and amazing flavour.     Now that you've read this blog, want to know more about Clean Kiss? We create 100% Natural and Organic, Canadian artisan handcrafted products that are simple and pure for your body, face, hair and home. Our specialty is anti-aging premium skincare, all natural deodorant, and products for curly hair.   We are 100% Vegan, GMO free, Gluten Free (and free of all unnecessary garbage!) and Leaping Bunny Certified (meaning we never test on animals and neither do our suppliers).  We also proudly give a portion of our sales to help homeless women and their children to get back on track with housing, education, and financial support.  Check us out!   

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Aromatherapy Blends for the Soul - Clean Kiss

How to Make Your Own Aromatherapy Blends for Common Health Ailments

Everyone interprets scents differently, and connects certain smells with poignant memories. But regardless of what scents resonate with you personally, researchers have proven that, psychologically, the human sense of smell is the most accurate sense at triggering specific memories and emotions. The olfactory system is what our brain uses to detect a smell.  Scents have both a proven psychological benefit but also physical and mental health benefits too. 

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7 Ways You Never Thought You Could Use Coconut Oil - Clean Kiss

7 Ways You Never Thought You Could Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a hot superfood with health benefits. Known for its oily consistency, coconut oil has been a saviour the the field of hair products for a long time too! But did you know that coconut oil has some other super powers that are rarely spoken of?

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Make Yourself Mindful - Clean Kiss

Make Yourself More Mindful for Better Mental Health

Paralleling the climb of mental health awareness is the concept of ‘mindfulness’, where you work on self-improvement simply by being more conscious of your daily actions – eating, drinking, walking, breathing, colouring.   Mindful Colouring Colouring!  Books filled with mindful colouring exercises line the shelves of every major book shop, encouraging adults to enter the creative zen of childhood activities.  There are even colouring apps for your iPhone and android devices too! But if colouring isn’t for you, there are all sorts of ways to get your fix of mindfulness. Mindful Based Stress Reduction MBSR is another online program that was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn from the University of Massachusetts Medical School.  The MBSR program, which stands for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, is self-paced, accessible for life, and downloadable to your phone or tablet.   Speaking of phones and tablets, there are even better ways to get your mindfulness practice on the go.  Head on over to the App Store to download Headspace or Calm, an app that gives you daily meditation and mind exercises.   Mindful Eating Practicing mindful eating in which you eat without any distractions and really take notice of each sensation such as: How does this taste? How does the texture feel? Is this salty or sweet? How does this smell? What does this look like?  Mindful Skincare Rituals You may never have thought of this one before. But it is something I encourage all the time with my skincare clients to be very mindful and present while applying their skincare each morning and night to turn it into a beautiful ritual. Not just a slap-dash exercise in getting in done.  Make a point of getting up 5 minutes earlier in order to start your day off with a slow and intentional skincare ritual. And do the same at the end of the day by going to your bathroom to start your bedtime ritual 5 minutes earlier than usual. Use this time to be calm, intentional and to really pamper your skin.  Mindful Movement As a registered yoga and barre teacher, I encourage my students to stay mindful and present in their body while on their mat during class. They can do this through their breath and returning their focus back to their breath each time they notice their mind racing to other thoughts. Which it will!  But the truth of the matter is, this practice of mindful movement is what yoga really is all about ~ Off the Mat. Being able to take that mindful practice with you throughout your day.  How do you stay mindful and present throughout your day?   Does colouring work for you, or do you have other techniques and brain games to toughen up those mind muscles? Diffusing essential oils? Music? Share your ideas with us.

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10 Health Myths Debunked - Clean Kiss

10 Health Myths Debunked by a Holistic Nutritionist

There are a lot of health myths out there on the internet whether it be on social media or in blogs. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I am here to help debunk some of these myths and help you to make better health decisions for you and your family. 

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The Best "DIY Dryer Sheets" For The Cleanest, Freshest Laundry - Clean Kiss

The Best "DIY Dryer Sheets" For The Cleanest, Freshest Laundry Naturally

There are few things better than opening the dryer to clean, warm, fresh-smelling laundry. I don't know if it's the satisfaction of crossing one item off the old "to-do list" or whether it's the refreshing scent that pours out of the dryer as you unload the clothes into the laundry basket. It just feels to fresh and pure. So satisfying.

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Why taking a blue sky day is good for everyone - Clean Kiss

Why taking a blue sky day is good for everyone

Because we all know "When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody gonna be happy!". And yes I realize that is very poor grammar (being the grammar and spelling cop that I am) but I have this sign posted in my laundry room and it still makes me giggle at how true it is.  So today is Monday and I should be at work doing lots of paperwork and in meetings but instead I decided to take a "blue sky" day.  What is a blue sky day you might ask? A day to think big, to chill in your jammies until noon, to do things to strengthen your brain, read a book. Many entrepreneurship books will tell you that you need to work "ON" your business and not always "IN" your business. So that is what today is for me. In fact, as I write this I am sitting in a sunny window at a hightop table in Starbucks feeling very artsy. Usually I am the harried lady ordering my venti soy misto in a massive rush to get to my next meeting and wondering "What do these people do for a living that they are lounging in Starbucks?". Today I know. They are blue skying! I think I may actually schedule a Blue Sky day at least once a month. To think big about where I want to take my businesses and how to get there. And to nourish my own soul. How can I worry about health, fitness and being obsessed with using natural body and face products when I am a frantic mom who doesn't look after my mind and what's going on inside. Makes sense right? If you're an entrepreneur, mompreneur or any kind of preneur, or just a harried mom/dad, here is my guide to having a Blue Sky day: Step 1: Tell your husband and your kids about it and tell work too that you're unavailable! Step 2: Don't set your alarm clock to get up for anything. This goes with Step 1 so make sure you don't miss this step and that they all get themselves out of bed and off to school! Step 3: Stay in your jammies as long as you can and ladies, please don't even think about putting on your bra. Step 4: Don't make a list of all that you want to accomplish today. Just let it happen. But make sure if lounging in Starbucks looking all artsy is on your list that you get that done (Note: and then perhaps put your bra on).  Step 5: Enjoy it. Don't look at the clock. Don't check email. Take the time to think big about where you are going, make plans, strategize. Step 6: Be happy mama when the house fills up again with your children and spouse. You had the best day ever that you owed to yourself. And you will do it again just for the rewards that today will bring you.  p.s. Notice the blue sky behind me as I walked to Starbucks with a big smile.    

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5 times you should reach for these natural ingredients, for the sake of your hair. - Clean Kiss

5 times you should reach for these natural ingredients for healthier hair

There are so many things we put in and on our bodies these days. Whether you're sticking with the mainstream brands or you're trying out a more natural-based product lifestyle, it's tough to keep track of all these ingredients (like "Cocos nucifera" -- FYI, that's Coconut Oil). That's why we've put together a quick, easy collection of times you should reach for natural ingredients, for the sake of your hair. Keep reading for more.

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Does natural deodorant REALLY work? - Clean Kiss

How does natural deodorant stack up against drugstore brands?

If you asked me this over ten years ago I would have chuckled and said "Umm, not for me they don't!". Like hair products for my unruly curly hair, I had also invested a lot of money on every deodorant/antiperspirant under the sun in my quest for the holy grail of deodorants that would actually keep me fresh and not require me to carry a stick in every handbag I own. Here's a snapshot of my experiences with FIVE antiperspirants/natural deodorants. No names will be mentioned to protect their identity...

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