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Clean Kiss Lifestyle

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Cellulite and Lifestyle Tips that will Help You Feel More Confident

Let's Talk Cellulite, Ladies.It's that stuff that many of us, around 90% of women in fact, wish we didn't have and curse ourselves profusely when bathing suit and shorts season comes around and we have to face the dreaded truth of the dimpled cellulite on our thighs. But really, if 90% of us has it then why are we still so embarrassed by it? Research shows that cellulite is caused by genetics and hormones that affects our connective tissues. Often times it bears no reflection on how much we exercise, how clean or poorly we eat, how long we sit, or even our body fat. There are many pictures you can find online of very, very fit women with abs of steel and cellulite on their behinds. C'est la vie. Embrace it, don't hide it, it's life! We women are so hard on ourselves.

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Why We Need Strength and Serenity in Menopause: My Tips for Thriving

Why We Need Strength and Serenity in Menopause: My Tips for Thriving

Menopause is a significant transition in a woman's life, bringing about various physical and emotional changes. But it doesn't have to be daunting. Menopause is associated with a natural decline in estrogen, that increases visceral fat mass, decreases bone mass density, muscle mass, and strength. (Source: PubMed) By focusing on nutrition, movement, stress management, avoiding toxins, and sleep, you can navigate this phase with strength and serenity.

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Hormones a hot mess? Ditch yoyo dieting and do this instead.

Hormones a hot mess? Ditch yoyo dieting and do this instead.

As women enter their midlife years, hormonal changes can bring about a variety of physical and emotional challenges. These changes can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, leading to symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and more. Instead of relying solely on quick fixes or extreme diets, a holistic approach to hormonal balance can make a world of difference. In this blog post, we'll explore several key aspects of maintaining hormonal balance for midlife women, including using non-toxic skincare products, eating whole foods, intuitive daily movement, getting enough sleep, managing stress, exercising in line with the menstrual cycle, and most importantly fostering a stronger mind-body connection.

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5 Natural health tips to be the heroine of your own menopause story

5 Natural health tips to be the heroine of your own menopause story

It is no secret that the hormonal changes we go through in midlife, also known as (peri)menopause, can wreak havoc on your skin and body, not to mention your mental health.   There is one thing that "the experts" (medical doctors, alternative/holistic practitioners, menopause educators) all agree on. That is that you can be doing things proactively to minimize the impacts of your dropping estrogen levels and to make your experience more pleasant.  Keep reading to find out the 5 Natural Health Tips to ease your menopause transition so that you can (hopefully) have a positive experience, instead of the horror stories we all hear about from friends and the media. 

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How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season in 3 Easy Steps

How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season in 3 Easy Steps

As a Wellness Expert, I promote and educate on the trifecta of good health: Non-toxic Skincare + Holistic Nutrition + Movement It's a simple formula. What you put ON your body + what you put IN your body + how you MOVE your body. It all sounds great doesn't it? It is great. But life is messy and imperfect and obsessing over getting it all right is going to make you CRAZY! 

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Is self care the new mandatory must-have of basic personal care?

Is self care the new mandatory must-have of basic personal care?

The concept of self-care has been around since the days of Socrates in 5th Century BC but it seems to me that everywhere I look nowadays in 2022, kind of "post-pandemic-ish", there are messages of self-care popping up. Is it overused? Misunderstood? Or the necessary messaging that we all need nowadays?  While I couldn't agree more that if ever there was a time for self-care: IT IS NOW. The pandemic taught us that our time on earth is fragile, misused and misunderstood. Our entire world and being was turned on its side and we had to learn to question everything.  But, what really is Self-Care anyway?  "First off, the Greek word for "care" would have been understood to include meditation, regular fasting, prayer, education, music, exercise -- anything that can be said to feed the soul.

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Yoga Therapy for Your Body, Mind and Skin: A Pro-Aging Solution for Women

Yoga Therapy for Your Body, Mind and Skin: A Pro-Aging Solution for Women

I escaped my computer today, at noon on a Monday, in order to visit my yoga studio for a hot vinyasa yoga class. Of all the things I have been missing during the pandemic, my in-person hot yoga practice at my studio has been top of the list. I didn't realize how much I even missed it until I had the chance to return to it these past couple days. This may not seem like a big deal to you but it's a big deal to me. Monday's are usually the worst day of the week for me. The most stressful with the longest "to do" list ever, my most anxiety-filled day that I just power through with all my masculine energy to tackle all the "stuff" on my list. In fact, I almost cancelled my yoga class booking but felt bad to do that to my friend who owns the studio knowing they have been closed for months.  As I lay there on my mat, I felt calm and peaceful. I felt at one with the other humans in the room who were also there sweating their butts off from the minute of entry into the hot studio. If you have never experienced this, you must. And you may hate it. But that's part of what I am writing about here today.  To me the part of being in the hot studio is that it is uncomfortably hot. That's the point. Doing yoga in this hot studio, like actually moving your body and getting into challenging poses, is also uncomfortable...and furthermore part of the point. 

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How I Cleaned Up My Health and Healed from PCOS and Infertility

How I Cleaned Up My Health and Healed from PCOS and Infertility

I was in my late twenties, a newlywed woman, ready to finally ditch the birth control pills I had been on since 16 when the doctor put me on it because of brutally heavy periods. I was 27 and we were ready to have a baby...but alas my body was so messed from being on the pill that the period never came and apparently baby-making wasn't going to happen. I was diagnosed with PCOS, Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Basically I would never ovulate on my own and my hormones were a mess. Who knew!? 

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The Best Ways to Get Healthy Midlife Skin and Hair

The Best Ways to Get Healthy Midlife Skin and Hair

As women in midlife, which means all of you women between the ages of 40-60, this is the time in our lives when we start to take serious notice of the changes we see when we look in the mirror each day.  We start to ask ourselves "Am I looking old?" or "Am I doing the right things to preserve my youth?" and we often start to ask google "How to look after my skin and hair naturally over 40?". This is most likely how you found this blog article. Welcome, I am glad you are here. You're in the right place.  We have brought together the information from two midlife experts here to help you know how to get healthy skin and hair in midlife. You will hear my perspective as a plant-based skincare formulator, brand Founder of Clean Kiss, and a Holistic Nutritionist, and also from my good friend Teresa Isabel Dias, Menopause Educator and Pharmacist, from MenopausED.  We have summarized all of our best tips to keep your skin and hair looking gorgeous in midlife, naturally. 

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