There are a lot of health myths out there on the internet whether it be on social media or in blogs. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I am here to help debunk some of these myths and help you to make better health decisions for you and your family.
10. Fresh is better than frozen.
Nope! Look for flash frozen foods, ideally organic. Flash freezing locks the nutrients in within hours of being harvested. Frozen foods can also save you money which is a bonus.

9. Eating fats will make you fat.
There is a difference between good and bad fats. The ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3's back 100 years ago was around a 4:1 or less but now in Western diets the ratio is closer to 20:1 in favour of Omega 6.
Avocados and salmon for instance, are a good fat full of Omega 3's. These are very healthy for your body. Omega 6's from foods such as industrialized seed oils can cause inflammation so you need to make sure to cut them out of your diet or bring them into a good balance.
Healthy fats are a necessary part of your diet but need to paired with protein and fibre too.

8. Juicing is a great diet or meal replacement.
Juicing eliminates the pulp from the fruit or vegetable that you think you’re consuming, and the pulp is probably the most nutritious part! You need the pulp for protein and fibre. Juicing can be a supplement to a meal but should never replace a solid, healthy and balanced meal.

7. Brown bread is better than white bread.
Well, the truth is that whole grain bread is better than white bread actually. Some ‘brown’ breads are just white bread with caramel colouring.

6. You shouldn’t eat too many eggs.
Egg yolks do contain cholesterol and also a lot of other vital nutrients and protein, but when it comes to heart health, eggs are far healthier for you than any artificial protein bar or supplement which are full of added processed sugars. These are far worse for cholesterol than eggs. If you’re concerned about your heart, make sure to stay away from saturated and trans fats, and refined sugars instead.

5. Diet soda is better to drink than full fat soda.
Wrong. While diet sodas claim to have zero sodium, sugar, and fat, they have to compensate flavour-wise by adding chemicals that will damage your internal organs!

4. Carbs make you gain weight.
Just like fats, there are good and better kinds of carbohydrates. To be more specific, it’s the sugary refined carbohydrates that cause weight gain and lack other nutrients such as fibre and vitamins. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables have carbs too, but those are the kind that your body needs for fuel.

3. It’s bad to eat late at night.
No, it’s not necessarily bad to eat late at night, but it’s not great to eat junk food late at night. If you tend to get hungry before bed, organize your fridge so that it’s easiest to reach for something healthy such as a fruit with a protein to keep your blood sugar balanced while sleeping.

2. People gain weight from wheat and/or dairy.
If your body cannot digest dairy or gluten well, then you may get bloated after you eat it but that doesn't mean you are gaining weight. Many people who have celiac disease actually lose weight because they are not digesting the nutrients in the foods they eat due to damage to their intestinal lining. Pay attention to how certain foods make you feel and keep a food diary if needed to pinpoint which foods make you feel bloated or gasy.

1. Cleansing or fasting periodically helps your body rid the system of toxins.