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Clean Kiss Lifestyle

Natural deodorant 101: Detoxing Myths and making the switch to natural you should know about

Natural Deodorant 101: Expert Advice on Detoxing and Other Myths

You may have decided it's time to make the switch to a natural deodorant after this trend has been sweeping Amazon, online store shelves and armpits now for almost a decade in a big way. And it isn't slowing down anytime soon. But how on earth do people survive making the switch to natural deodorant? You've heard the (horror) stories from friends and co-workers about how they tried a natural deodorant and had horrific body odour before noon that day! We all have heard them, maybe even lived them. Or perhaps you heard about a friend that went through a "detox" process for a month and then they were fine with their switch to natural deodorant.  Maybe you made the switch already during the global pandemic while working from home or maybe you are just plain resisting it because even at home alone you aren't willing to give up your trusted and true anti-perspirant in lieu of wicked body odour. I get it. Change is hard. 

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How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season in 3 Easy Steps

How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season in 3 Easy Steps

As a Wellness Expert, I promote and educate on the trifecta of good health: Non-toxic Skincare + Holistic Nutrition + Movement It's a simple formula. What you put ON your body + what you put IN your body + how you MOVE your body. It all sounds great doesn't it? It is great. But life is messy and imperfect and obsessing over getting it all right is going to make you CRAZY! 

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Avoid these 10 Mistakes to Get Gorgeous Natural Glowing Skin this Fall - Clean Kiss

Top 10 Skincare Mistakes to Stop Now to Get Healthy Skin this Fall

That nourished glow of a healthy complexion.  You know it when you see it.  There are some simple skincare and lifestyle principles that can help you get there if you really are committed to having healthy looking skin, at any age or stage of your life. The truth of the matter is that you can use all the natural, beautiful skin care products that money can buy you but unless you are following these simple lifestyle principles to keep your whole body healthy you will not achieve your skincare goals.  Keep reading for my Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid this Fall for your skin.  

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Is self care the new mandatory must-have of basic personal care?

Is self care the new mandatory must-have of basic personal care?

The concept of self-care has been around since the days of Socrates in 5th Century BC but it seems to me that everywhere I look nowadays in 2022, kind of "post-pandemic-ish", there are messages of self-care popping up. Is it overused? Misunderstood? Or the necessary messaging that we all need nowadays?  While I couldn't agree more that if ever there was a time for self-care: IT IS NOW. The pandemic taught us that our time on earth is fragile, misused and misunderstood. Our entire world and being was turned on its side and we had to learn to question everything.  But, what really is Self-Care anyway?  "First off, the Greek word for "care" would have been understood to include meditation, regular fasting, prayer, education, music, exercise -- anything that can be said to feed the soul.

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Clean Kiss founder Jodie Pappas natural skincare formulator sharing natural tips for skincare

9 Tips for Healthy Summer Skin, Naturally

Summertime is upon us finally! And while we want to spend as much time outdoors as we can in our short summer season (in Canada at least!), we need to take some steps to keep our family and our own skin healthy in the summer sun. Firstly, remember that your body is not just your skin on your hands and face but a whole ecosystem - you have to balance what's on the outside with what's on the inside. And, you have to know what is good and not so great to put on and in your body. And know that NOT all natural products are friendly in the sun. Here are 9 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy This Summer. 

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How to Prevent Thigh Chafing with Natural Home Remedies

How to Prevent Thigh Chafing with Natural Home Remedies

Thigh chafing is a real struggle that almost all women face, no matter what size body you have or how large or small your thighs are. #chafinghappens I was recently on a beach vacation in sunny Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and walked 2kms on the beach in my bikini to visit some friends at a neighbouring resort. By the time I arrived, my thighs were on fire with the worst thigh chafing I have had in a long time. Lucky for me, my friend uses my favourite natural cream deodorant and was able to help me out and calm my rash very quickly!  Yes, I used natural deodorant to make it all better and to prevent further chafing for the walk back along the beach which I was dreading badly from pain. 

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Clean Ingredient Focus: Zinc Ricinoleate in Natural Deodorant

Clean Ingredient Focus: Zinc Ricinoleate in Natural Deodorant

Clean Ingredient Focus: Zinc Ricinoleate. This magical natural ingredient traps and absorbs odour molecules, making them imperceptible to the odour receptors in your nose. Simply put: it deodorizes superbly and gives your armpits, and anywhere else you choose to use our natural deodorant such as your feet, groin or breast folds, a BO-free experience 24/7 without the use of aluminum or other harmful toxins. 

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3 Spring Natural Beauty Skincare Rituals You Need Now for Aging Skin

3 Spring Natural Beauty Rituals that You Need Now for Healthy Aging Skin

When it comes to aging skin, we always like to think and speak of Healthy Pro-Aging, not anti-aging. We just don't believe in using the term anti-aging because it has become a systemic issue of negativity associated with aging in our society. We like to say "Age Gracefully", with style, confidence and great health! This is what it means to live a Pro-Aging life! Especially as women, it can be very hard to reject the negativity around aging and the stigmas that are associated with it. Sadly, many skincare and wellness brands, along with health professionals (aka "weight loss" and fitness trainers) use negative tones that make us feel bad about our body, our skin, and about aging, when trying to sell their products and services.  Just because I am over the age of 35, doesn't mean I need to anti-age. Since when did aging become a bad thing? 

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5 Promising Ways to calm your skin inflammation naturally

5 Promising Ways to Calm Your Skin Inflammation {Quickly}

Although you may not think of that skin rash or acne breakout as inflammation, there's a good chance it is. In this article I will explain what inflammation is, what causes it, and how to reduce or eliminate it from your body (and thus your skin). I promised to share with you my 5 Promising Ways to Calm Your Skin Inflammation (Quickly). A word of caution, by quickly I mean 1-3 months not 1 week. It will take that long at a minimum in order to rid your body of the toxins,  to figure what ingredients to avoid, or to make lifestyle changes to impact what is causing the inflammatory flare-ups. You may start to see improvements right away and so I encourage you to keep diligent until you see your skin calm down and to heal. Keep reading to get all of my 5 Promising Ways to Calm Your Skin Inflammation through natural methods including swapping out any toxic skincare for clean, toxin-free natural skincare. 

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