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Avoid these 10 Mistakes to Get Gorgeous Natural Glowing Skin this Fall - Clean Kiss

Top 10 Skincare Mistakes to Stop Now to Get Healthy Skin this Fall

That nourished glow of a healthy complexion.  You know it when you see it.  There are some simple skincare and lifestyle principles that can help you get there if you really are committed to having healthy looking skin.  

The truth of the matter is that you can use all the natural, beautiful skin care products that money can buy you but unless you are following these simple lifestyle principles to keep your whole body healthy you will not achieve your skincare goals. 

1. Overexfoliating.  You should be exfoliating no more than 1-2 times per week. Use a natural and mild exfoliant. You don't need to be scrubbing the heck out of your skin and in fact you will cause more damage than good.

You actually want to exfoliate in the morning when your skin is "waking up" and wants to be stimulated to reveal a healthy glow.  (Try our Sweet & Salty Kisses Body + Face Scrub for an all natural "dessert" treat for your face that exfoliates and brightens naturally.)

Clean Kiss natural skincare face exfoliant non toxic

2. Sleeping in makeup. No matter how tired you are, and yes we have all been there when all we desperately want is our pillow, you should never go to sleep with your face full of makeup and grime from the day. It clogs your pores, causes breakouts and build up. (Try our Kiss Me Clean Facial Cleansing Oil with Chia Seed Oil for a facial cleansing experience you won't want to skimp on!)

3. Skimping on water. You should be drinking lots of water and herbal tea (coffee, soda and alcohol does not count towards fluid intake!).  Health experts estimate that you should be drinking between 2-4 litres per day to flush toxins and keep your skin moist and supple (be on the high end of this if you are very physically active and sweating lots).  

Signs of dehydration are dryness, wrinkles and a lacklustre complexion. Dry lips are another sign of dehydrated insides. 

Helpful Tip:  Get yourself a massive 2 litre jug to help you keep track easily of how much you have drank. I bet you think you drink more than you actually do!

water bottle hydration gorgeous natural skincare

4. Skipping your daily SPF. Many people skip SPF if they aren't planning on spending the entire day outside in full sun but this thinking is wrong, sorry. You should make applying SPF as part of your daily routine even if you are sitting in your yogis inside all day.

Better even still, find a natural face daycream that has plant-based skincare ingredients that provides natural protection from the harmful rays of the sun and the damage it can cause you, such as Red Raspberry Seed Oil, (but not to be used in lieu of a broad spectrum SPF) and antioxidants (such as Vitamin E) to protect your skin from free radical damage. 

5. Using dirty makeup brushes. If you've never washed your makeup application brushes or can't remember the last time and if it was before or after Covid-19 then it is time!  You should be washing them every few months (3 months to be safe) to stop the spread of bacteria and acne breakouts.

Try this recipe: with 1 tsp organic coconut oil, 1 c distilled water, 2 tsp castile soap, 1/2c witch hazel (makes 1 1/2 cups of makeup brush cleanser). 

natural brush cleanser natural face products organic skincare

6. Picking at your skin. I was the worst at this bad habit as a teenager and I see my own daughters doing it now all the time to my dismay. It causes the spread of bacteria that causes acne (from the nasty dirt and bacteria living on your fingers and nails) and also causes scars that you will regret when you're in your twenties and beyond. 

Top acne prevention tips

7. Using a dirty pillowcase.  You should be changing your pillowcase at least weekly if not more frequently. The build up of oils from your hair and face can definitely cause bacteria to form and hence another acne flare up. 

8. Touching your face. Again, I am bad for this one but at least I am very conscious of the habit and stop myself from touching my face as much as possible. It is my "thinking" pose to rest my chin on my hand and as a result I get blackheads and little pimples that form along my jar line (you can also thank mid-life female hormones for these type of breakouts btw).  

Another reason why using a good facial cleanser to remove the bacteria at end of day, after a workout, after wearing a face mask, and more frequently if necessary is a good way to rid yourself of acne, rashes or other skin challenges. 

9. Using harsh chemicals and fragrances on your skin (or at all for that matter on your body, hair or home). Tempting as it may be to want to strip your skin of all the dirt, especially when you are having a break out, stay away from the toxic ingredients that are harsh and do more harm than good.

Synthetic fragrances you find in drug store products contain phthalates and are proven to wreak havoc with our hormones, cause illnesses including cancers, and accelerate the aging process because you are stripping out the natural moisture that your skin needs in order to maintain suppleness, collagen and more.

10. Eating junk. What goes in, also comes out in the form of acne breakouts, dryness, rashes, lacklustre, wrinkles, and more. Instead reach for fresh fruit and vegetables that are filled with healthy nutrients, vitamins, minerals and water too! Healthy fats can be obtained from avocados, nuts and seeds that have Omega 3 and 6 fats, and even taking Evening Primrose Oil for healthy, skin-loving Gamma-linoleic acid. 

I believe we need to subscribe to a life of balance meaning following the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy, balanced meals 80%+ of the time and still allow yourself to have foods that are pleasurable, without guilt, by following the principles of Intuitive Eating and not attaching morality to food. You should never feel guilty or have to "earn" your food with exercise. 

In my experience with clients, if you are having a skin reaction it is most likely as a result of your nutrition (perhaps food sensitivities or a diet that is heavy in sugar, gluten and dairy all known offenders of skin issues), lifestyle choices (high stress, lack of sleep) and perhaps some of the not-so-helpful skin habits listed above.  

sugar leads to skin issues acne wrinkles natural skincare


Gorgeous skin, say hello. You're welcome :)

Want to work with me to help conquer your acne, skin damage, eczema or other health and skin-related challenge?

About the Author: Jodie Pappas

Jodie Pappas is the Founder and Skincare Formulator of the Canadian-made, plant-based skincare brand Clean Kiss. Jodie creates clean, natural skincare products for women over 40 to feel confident and glowing in their skin, without the use of any harmful toxins.

Jodie is a Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Organic Skincare Formulator, a Certified Nutritional Aesthetics Practitioner (CNAP) and a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200). She believes that beautiful pro-aging skin is available for every woman and uses a holistic lifestyle approach to educate and inspire. 

Jodie provides bio-individualized holistic health coaching to her clients who want results using natural and holistic methods. 

Jodie loves to write about how clean skincare, good balanced nutrition and yoga can all support a healthy, pro-aging lifestyle like three legs of a stool. 

You can follow Clean Kiss and Jodie here: 





Jodie Pappas

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1 comment

Hi Jodie, not sure if you remember me but I’m one of the newest participants in the Women in Leadership Meetup Group. I was wondering if the Acne set works for a twenty-something young lady? I see that the products are mostly geared towards 40+?? Do you have any feedback from the mid-twenty female sector about the Acne products? Thank you Jodie. I look forward to hearing from you.
Tracey :)

Tracey Findlay

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