Get the Most Powerful Glowing Skin at Home Now
Apr 30, 2020

Get the Most Powerful Glowing Skin at Home Now

Let's face the real facts behind these gorgeous plant essences that have taken society by storm. Essential oils usage and aromatherapy practices have exploded in the past 5 years, but to really be honest they are not a new trend unless you consider the last 5000 years to be a trend?! They have almost been around as long as the earliest recordings of human beings. Even showing up in the bible with many writings about Frankincense and Myrrh, which were given to baby Jesus at his birth. Right?! Not so new after all. Let's explore them more deeply to really understand these gorgeous power houses. 
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How to Reverse Engineer Your Vision Statement and Create Personal Goals for 2019
Mar 05, 2019

How to Reverse Engineer Your Vision Statement and Create Personal Goals for 2019

It is now almost spring of the new year and we all know that the two biggest things that occupy most people's minds in January every year are health goals (and how darn tight their jeans are feeling after an abundant holiday season) and new years' goals and resolutions to accomplish something they wish for.

Where are you at with your goals for this year? Take stock. 

And know now it’s not too late to make it happen. Here are some tips to reverse engineer your vision for the remainder of the year. Make this your year! 

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Does Natural Deodorant Actually Work?!?!
Jun 27, 2018

Does Natural Deodorant Actually Work?!?!

If you were to survey a random group of people at a yoga studio or gym, you would get very mixed answers to this question.  For good reason, because many people have either had a bad experience in the past or just don't know they should be using a natural deodorant to begin with!


Read on for the science, how to transition and what to expect. 

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Ultimate Guide to Controlling Body Odour ~ Natural Solutions for All Body Parts
Apr 13, 2018

Ultimate Guide to Controlling Body Odour ~ Natural Solutions for All Body Parts

This blog post is all about that embarrassing stink and what to do about it. Most of us have suffered at some point in our life with an embarrassing episode of body odour, so fondly referred to as BO.  The dreaded BO.  

Read on for more Facts and FAQ's about body odour and how to tackle it naturally.

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10 Life Changing Lessons Learned from India
Nov 30, 2017

10 Life Changing Lessons Learned from India

I was recently away for a two week adventure in Northern India on a Yoga retreat and I had sincerely hoped to make some personal discoveries while I was there. I did that and so much more.  Read on to hear about my discoveries and adventures in laughing, yoga, and making memories to last a lifetime.  My Ten Lessons Learned on my life changing trip to India...

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Too Many Good Ones to Try (hmmm wonder what we are talking about?)
Sep 01, 2017

Too Many Good Ones to Try (hmmm wonder what we are talking about?)

We are talking about natural deodorants and specifically our Clean Kiss Organics award winning natural deodorant that comes in seven,...
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How to Use Your Passion to Fuel Your Life
Aug 08, 2017

How to Use Your Passion to Fuel Your Life

I am a passionate person by nature. Perhaps its my Eastern European blood?! I get easily "worked up" when a...
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