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Clean Kiss Lifestyle

How Can Probiotics Help My Angry Skin to Look and Feel Happier?

How Can Probiotics Help My Angry Skin to Look and Feel Happier?

As a Certified Aesthetics Nutritional Professional (CNAP) meaning I am trained in how nutrition affects skin, and a Holistic Nutritionist (CNP) I get these questions a fair bit. Let's dive in and get to the bottom of this topic in a moment. But first...before we do that I just want to preface this discussion by saying that your skin is only "angry" if you deem it so. We don't like to label any skin condition as a "problem" unless you are here because you think it is a problem. You are beautiful in whatever skin you are in be it acne-prone, aging, inflamed or any other skin challenge you face. We do not define beauty as "perfect" skin. Perfection doesn't exist! But if you do want to have healthier looking skin, you are in the right place.  Now let's talk about how probiotics can help your skin to look and feel happier. Can they? The short is answer is YES. Taking a daily probiotic is always a good idea no matter what your skin health status is.  Let's find out why and how probiotics, prebiotics and foods can help your skin to look and feel happier! 

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How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season in 3 Easy Steps

How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season in 3 Easy Steps

As a Wellness Expert, I promote and educate on the trifecta of good health: Non-toxic Skincare + Holistic Nutrition + Movement It's a simple formula. What you put ON your body + what you put IN your body + how you MOVE your body. It all sounds great doesn't it? It is great. But life is messy and imperfect and obsessing over getting it all right is going to make you CRAZY! 

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Avoid these 10 Mistakes to Get Gorgeous Natural Glowing Skin this Fall - Clean Kiss

Top 10 Skincare Mistakes to Stop Now to Get Healthy Skin this Fall

That nourished glow of a healthy complexion.  You know it when you see it.  There are some simple skincare and lifestyle principles that can help you get there if you really are committed to having healthy looking skin, at any age or stage of your life. The truth of the matter is that you can use all the natural, beautiful skin care products that money can buy you but unless you are following these simple lifestyle principles to keep your whole body healthy you will not achieve your skincare goals.  Keep reading for my Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid this Fall for your skin.  

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Is self care the new mandatory must-have of basic personal care?

Is self care the new mandatory must-have of basic personal care?

The concept of self-care has been around since the days of Socrates in 5th Century BC but it seems to me that everywhere I look nowadays in 2022, kind of "post-pandemic-ish", there are messages of self-care popping up. Is it overused? Misunderstood? Or the necessary messaging that we all need nowadays?  While I couldn't agree more that if ever there was a time for self-care: IT IS NOW. The pandemic taught us that our time on earth is fragile, misused and misunderstood. Our entire world and being was turned on its side and we had to learn to question everything.  But, what really is Self-Care anyway?  "First off, the Greek word for "care" would have been understood to include meditation, regular fasting, prayer, education, music, exercise -- anything that can be said to feed the soul.

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5 Promising Ways to calm your skin inflammation naturally

5 Promising Ways to Calm Your Skin Inflammation {Quickly}

Although you may not think of that skin rash or acne breakout as inflammation, there's a good chance it is. In this article I will explain what inflammation is, what causes it, and how to reduce or eliminate it from your body (and thus your skin). I promised to share with you my 5 Promising Ways to Calm Your Skin Inflammation (Quickly). A word of caution, by quickly I mean 1-3 months not 1 week. It will take that long at a minimum in order to rid your body of the toxins,  to figure what ingredients to avoid, or to make lifestyle changes to impact what is causing the inflammatory flare-ups. You may start to see improvements right away and so I encourage you to keep diligent until you see your skin calm down and to heal. Keep reading to get all of my 5 Promising Ways to Calm Your Skin Inflammation through natural methods including swapping out any toxic skincare for clean, toxin-free natural skincare. 

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Back to School Confidence Body Odour Acne Natural Skincare

Natural Tips for Helping Your Teen Be Back to School Confident

Oh hey, guess what? Back to school time is around the corner. Let's help our teens be ready! Just a regular old school year brings much anxiety and also sadness as the carefree days of summer end for thousands of school-agers and teenagers who are heading out to do their back to school shopping. This year brings a whole new face of uncertainty of what the coming school year will bring. 

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How I Cleaned Up My Health and Healed from PCOS and Infertility

How I Cleaned Up My Health and Healed from PCOS and Infertility

I was in my late twenties, a newlywed woman, ready to finally ditch the birth control pills I had been on since 16 when the doctor put me on it because of brutally heavy periods. I was 27 and we were ready to have a baby...but alas my body was so messed from being on the pill that the period never came and apparently baby-making wasn't going to happen. I was diagnosed with PCOS, Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Basically I would never ovulate on my own and my hormones were a mess. Who knew!? 

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The Best Ways to Get Healthy Midlife Skin and Hair

The Best Ways to Get Healthy Midlife Skin and Hair

As women in midlife, which means all of you women between the ages of 40-60, this is the time in our lives when we start to take serious notice of the changes we see when we look in the mirror each day.  We start to ask ourselves "Am I looking old?" or "Am I doing the right things to preserve my youth?" and we often start to ask google "How to look after my skin and hair naturally over 40?". This is most likely how you found this blog article. Welcome, I am glad you are here. You're in the right place.  We have brought together the information from two midlife experts here to help you know how to get healthy skin and hair in midlife. You will hear my perspective as a plant-based skincare formulator, brand Founder of Clean Kiss, and a Holistic Nutritionist, and also from my good friend Teresa Isabel Dias, Menopause Educator and Pharmacist, from MenopausED.  We have summarized all of our best tips to keep your skin and hair looking gorgeous in midlife, naturally. 

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7 of the Best Ways to Conquer your Puffy Eyes and Wrinkles

7 of the Best Ways to Conquer your Puffy Eyes and Wrinkles

I am passionate about pro-aging which means finding ways to answer the question that is often asked by women all around the world which is "How to age gracefully with diet, exercise and wellness products?". I feel very strongly that right off the bat we need to stop thinking about aging as a bad thing. If you aren't aging, then you aren't alive.  Having said that, I believe that we can age with grace and beauty and, most importantly, appropriately for our age. Have you ever met someone that is your age or younger but looks much, much older than you or older than you would have guessed? Chances are high that they have been living large and not following some basic fundamental principles of looking after their skin. It could also be genetics or skin type, of course, as some people are prone to age quicker than others.  In fact, if you are familiar with the field of epigenetics you know that a large portion of your health can be attributed to genetic makeup whereas the remaining health factors come down to lifestyle habits and living a life of wellness that can change the course of your health.

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