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How to Guide for Growing your Greens for Naturally Beautiful Skin and Hair - Clean Kiss

Simple Guide for Growing your Greens for Naturally Beautiful Skin and Hair

I love making massive family-sized salads of fresh romaine tossed with simple oil and vinegar and filled with baby tomatoes, mini cucumbers, radicchio and green onion.  I also pair it with a lean protein lunch and a grain to fuel my body with healthy carbs and protein.  

Eating this way helps me to feel super energized and also helps my skin to look more vibrant and youthful.  Being the founder of a Canadian natural beauty brand, I know that it is not only important to use high quality plant based ingredients topically to my skin but it is also critical that you detox your skin and fuel your body with clean greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats and fibre.

I often get comments from friends and strangers that I look vibrant, less stressed, cleaner and brighter skin tone, and healthy. That's always sweet to hear.

Here are three things I do to get all my greens into my diet and maximize the effects on my skin, hair and body:  grow my own garden, drink wheatgrass shots, and sprout my own seeds. 

My favourite thing to do each summer is to grow my own vegetable garden. I love involving my daughters in the shopping of seeds and seedlings so that we can choose vegetables we all like to eat and watch them grow while we eagerly await getting to enjoy them at our family meals.  I take such pleasure in announcing what foods on our dinner table was grown right here in our own backyard!

Since my crop hasn't yet yielded anything for us to enjoy, we visited a local Farmers Market yesterday to pick up local green organic produce and amazing finds like bee pollen, Canadian maple syrup, organic honey and more.  One of my missions at the market was to find a wheatgrass plant so that I can make shots to drink every morning and add it to my daily smoothie. 

Green Juice to Try

Try juicing your wheatgrass (about 1-2oz) with a handful of kale, 1 whole english cucumber, 1/2 bunch celery, 1 lemon, knob of ginger and turmeric to suit your taste.  

Here is a little wheatgrass fact:  1 ounce of wheatgrass is equivalent to eating 2 pounds of produce because of the nutrients this little grass packs! Some of the benefits of consuming wheatgrass is to aid weight loss due to the high nutrient content of vitamins, minerals, protein, chlorophyll, enzymes and amino acids which reduces cravings, detoxes your cells (hello, skin detox!), improves immunity, stimulates circulation (try it right before a workout to increase oxygen levels!), improves digestion with fiber and vitamin B, treats arthritis and fights inflammation, reduces fatigue, and so much more.

It isn't the best taste to be completely honest (it's no strawberry daiquiri!) but if you juice it as I suggested it really just tastes like a very grassy green juice and hence why it's a shot to get it into you quickly and not a drink you linger over! 

Sprouting Your Own Seeds

My other love is to grow my own sprouts indoors year round.  I buy high quality sprouting seeds and use my sprouting system on my countertop to grow healthy sprouts that I add to salads and smoothies or even to top my eggs. It takes about 3-4 days to grow two trays full of delicious sprouts. Not bad and way cheaper than buying them at the local Whole Foods. Sprouts are another bonus not only for our digestion, immunity, weight loss, detoxification but also for amazing skin, hair, nails and overall health! 

Happy growing and enjoy eating your greens! Your whole body will thank you for treating it kindly.

About Clean Kiss 

We create 100% Natural and Organic, Canadian artisan handcrafted products that are simple and pure for your body, face, hair and home. We are 100% Vegan, GMO free, Gluten Free (and free of all unnecessary garbage!) and Leaping Bunny Certified (meaning we never test on animals and neither do our suppliers).  

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